December 2019: POS Updates

Receive POs in Multiple Shipments | Load From Hold Indicator
QuickBooks Integration | View Items with Image Hover

Receive POs in Multiple Shipments.

When a purchase order is sent by a supplier in multiple deliveries, they can be tracked as separate sub POs with separate invoices. Discounts and additional charges can be applied in each individual sub PO.

Click here to learn more.

See also: Supply Customer Orders in Multiple Shipments

Load From Hold Indicator.

Your POS can be set up to show you how many transactions are waiting on hold. The number will appear on the Load from Hold button in red.

QuickBooks Integration.

Minimize manual data entry by synchronizing POS information directly with your QuickBooks account. The systems send over essential transaction details, such as:

  • Sales
  • Returns
  • Net Sales
  • Taxable Sales
  • Non Taxable Sales
  • Tax Exempt
  • Tenders Used

View Items with Image Hover.

See products in your Items page more clearly with the ability to view larger item images when you hover over the thumbnails.

Adding many photos to the system at once? Ask about our custom page to seamlessly upload and link to online images of your items.

And More Updates…

If you don’t have the latest version, close the POS program on your computer. When you re-launch it, the popup will prompt you to update to the latest version. This will give you access to the newest features. It is recommended to restart the POS daily.

Get Your Store Tagged on Social Media.

Would you like your store to be featured and tagged in our social media? Send a few shots with the POS and we’ll post. View examples.

Happy with the service?
Give us a thumbs-up. Write a quick and easy GOOGLE REVIEW to let others know why First Choice is the best choice for retail business.

“Came to our out-of-town store and provided an outstanding personal tutorial to our entire staff. They continue to assist us whenever needed.” – Shabsi Schneider

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