PAX Q30 IP Address and Port

System Requirements for PAX

  • Direct connection with a ethernet cable to PAX machine, the Pax machine does not support a wireless/WiFi connection
  • An IT guy to set a specific Address Reservation on the router

IP Address

Press and hold 1 and Enter for 4-5 seconds. When you release, the following screen will appear:

  1. Enter password, The password is always that day’s date in mm.dd.yyyy format. Press the green enter key on the keyboard.
  2. In the Main Menu, select Communication.
  3. Enter password.
  4. Go to page 2 and select LAN Parameters.
  5. On page 1 select IP Address.
  6. Copy the IP address.

Destination Port

  1. In the Main Menu, select Communication.
  2. Go to page 2 and select ECR Communication Type.
  3. Select Ethernet.