Add Duplicate Items in Checkout

There are 4 ways to check out multiples of the same item:

  1. Scan, then scan again.
  2. Scan or enter the item, then press the plus (+) key.
    computer key Plus = 
  3. Enter the quantity of the item you have, then the times (*) key, then scan.
    computer key num pad 5 & computer key Asterisk =
  4. Change the quantity using the arrows and numbers on the keyboard.

Item Grouping

When adding an item that is already there earlier in the list, there are several options for how the new item can appear:

  1. The new item can be added as a separate row, or
  2. The new item can be combined with the existing row, as an additional qty
    With the second option:
    – The combined row can remain in the position of the original item entered, or
    – The combined row can appear at the bottom of the list as the most recently added item

Add a Case

To add a case of an item:

  1. Type the number of cases needed, then the letter C, then times (*)
  2. Scan or enter the item

For one case:

computer key num row 1, then computer key C, then computer key Asterisk =

System automatically calculates the amount of this item that are in a case (here x12)

For five cases, type 5c* and enter the item:

Item view with “Case Order” column selected
Note: In order to use this case feature, you must have Master Pack (Case) specified in the item's inventory.