Bounced Check

Customer bounced a check? Here’s how to handle it in the system:

  1. In the POS, load the customer.
  2. Press Enter to go to the Payment page.
  3. In the Customer Balance area, input the amount of the check as a negative (ex: -100) in the Pay Amount field. This will indicate on the customer’s account that they now owe this money.
  4. In the Check tender, input the amount again as a negative. Enter the Check Number of the original check, so you can track what happened to it.
  5. Complete the transaction.

Optional: Bounced Check Fee

To charge a fee for bounced checks:

  1. Create an item in the system called Bounced Check Fee.
  2. Add the Bounced Check Fee item to the sale (with this customer) and complete the transaction with their payment for the bounced check.