Checkout and Pay

JUMP TO: Cash | Check | Credit Card | Account | Voucher/Gift Card

To check out, select Payment  on the left panel of the POS or press F12 or Enter on your keyboard.

To pay the total, swipe a card or press plus (+) in any payment type (“tender”). This will input the transaction amount for you.

computer key Plus = 

To pay with different tenders or multiple cards (ex: $50 cash and the rest on a credit card, or $25 on a gift card and the rest with Food Stamps) enter how much you want to pay for each tender and the system will tell you how much payment remains.


If you have exact change, press plus (+). If you have a different amount, enter how much cash you have and the system will tell you how much change to give.


Same as above. Add check number.

Credit Card


Same as above. Batch closes at 7pm for next day funding.

Card Reader

When you swipe a card it will automatically complete the price. If the customer wants to pay partially with a credit card and other tenders, input the amounts. Batch closes at 4pm for next day funding.

Note: In some cases, batch times might be adjustable by your administrator.
  • To use a previous card, see Credit Card on File.
  • To use multiple cards, see Charge Multiple Credit Cards.
  • If a card is charged the same amount twice, a popup will warn you that a similar charge was found. You can choose to Process the card again anyway, Link the previous charge to this sale without processing again, or Cancel to go back without processing the card.


This applies the transaction to the customer account if the customer is not paying now.

Voucher/Gift Card

  1. Select Voucher as the tender.
  2. Click inside the Voucher Number field.
  3. Scan or enter the voucher/gift card number.
  4. Enter amount or press plus (+) for full amount.

Note: There is an option to block all tenders unless there's a customer selected. This is useful if you want to make sure every sale is tracked to a customer.

It is also possible to block multiple credit cards in one sale, so as not to get charged for extra credit card transactions. Using multiple gift cards in a sale can be blocked as well.
Note: To void a check or payment, you must have a customer applied. The void then adds the sale back to the customer account.