Customer Accounts

Customers can be entered any time during a sale or before checkout.

  1. Select Customer  on the left panel of the POS and use the Customer module at the top of your screen.
    Customer module
  2. Search for a customer using any information you have: last name, first name, phone, or last 4 digits of the phone number.
Note: The more you enter in the search, the narrower the results. However, if you put a dash (-) in a phone number but the customer was saved without a dash, it won't come up as a result. Therefore, depending on your style it could be preferable to enter as little information as possible and choose the correct result from the list.

If the customer is not in the system, your administrator can set it to automatically create a new one when you exit the search results. Otherwise, press New and it will populate your search into a new customer entry:

Applied Customer Settings

Once a customer is applied to a transaction, any price rules set up for the customer in the back end will be applied:

  • If the customer is tax exempt, a popup notification will be displayed.
Popup displays only if customer is added after items are entered, to advise that the price will be adjusted to remove tax
  • If the customer has a discount account, items in the sale will turn green and discount will be applied.

  • Different price levels, such as wholesalers, kallahs, shluchim, family, etc. will be applied as well.

  • To add a customer from the back-end and set other details, see Add a Customer.