Damaged Items

JUMP TO: Tag Return as Damaged | Return Damaged Item to Supplier | Damaged Items Report in Bulk Purchase Order | Issue Reverse Purchase Order

To return damaged items, proceed with the regular steps for Returns, but add a -Damaged- tag, as in Step 5 below:

Tag Return as Damaged

  1. Select Set Return Mode  on the left panel of the POS.
  2. Scan or type the items being returned.
  3. If the store uses discounts, a popup will appear. Scan original purchase receipt or enter the transaction number; if you don’t have the original receipt or transaction number, check Return disconnected.
  4. Click OK. Items will turn red and the sale Total will subtract the returned item.
  5. Select the Tag -Damaged-  button on the right Action panel of your POS (you might need your administrator to set it up for you if it’s not there); the tag will appear in the item line.
  6. Continue checkout as usual to complete transaction.
  7. Select Clear Return Mode  (replaces the Set Return Mode button) to toggle off returns and resume normal transactions.

Now the item is tagged as -damaged- so you know it’s not a regular item returned to inventory.

When the customer is not in front of you in the store, you can follow up and easily find the damaged item in the back end and do what you need with it.

With this tag you can create reports of damaged items. These can help you return items to suppliers as well as identify items that are frequently returned.

Return Damaged Item to Supplier

To return the item to the supplier as a damaged item, you need to:

A) Pull up the item in the Damaged Items report of Bulk Purchase Orders.

B) Issue a reverse Purchase Order where the item is shown as a negative (-) quantity ordered in the PO’s list of items.

A) Damaged Items Report in Bulk Purchase Order

  1. Open your Dashboard.
  2. Select Reports from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select Bulk Purchase Orders .
  4. Select the Damaged Items report from the dropdown on the top right; all items with the -Damaged- tag show up here.
  5. Select Process PO’s  on the right; this will create a reverse purchase order of all listed items or add the items to open purchase orders with each item’s supplier.

B) Issue Reverse Purchase Order

Now you can process the newly created (or updated) purchase orders as you would any existing purchase order.

  1. Go back to the Dashboard Home.
  2. Select Transactions from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select Purchase Orders .
  4. Select the purchase order that contains the damaged item; complete it as you would any purchase order.

The purchase order will be issued with a negative (-) quantity ordered.

3 items returned

  • To use shortcuts for some of these steps, see Shortcuts.