Hold a Sale

Jump to: Hold | Return to the Sale | Abort Sale


If a customer needs to step out in middle of a sale or you want to do a quick sale with another customer:

  • Select Hold  on the left panel to put a sale on hold.

Optional function: Print a receipt to scan when the customer is ready; items will remain in inventory. This can be set up by your administrator.

Return to the Sale

  1. Select Load from Hold  to bring back all receipts that were put on hold.
  2. Select the relevant receipt to bring back the sale to the POS.

Your POS can be set up to show you how many transactions are on hold. The number will appear on the Load from Hold button in red.

Alternatively, you can skip the Load from Hold button:

  1. In the Item field, type H and dash (H-) and scan the receipt.

Optional function: Scan customer receipt to bring up the sale in the POS. This can be set up by your administrator.

Abort Sale

Once you return to sale from hold (as above), you can abort the sale:

  1. Select More Actions…  from the left panel.
  2. Select Void .
  3. Select Abort .