
To return items:

  1. Select Set Return Mode  on the left panel.
  2. Scan or type the items being returned.
  3. If the store uses discounts*, a popup will appear. Scan original purchase receipt or enter the transaction number:If you don’t have the original receipt or transaction number, check Return disconnected:

  4. Click OK. Items will turn red and the sale Total will subtract the returned item:
  5. Continue checkout as usual to complete transaction.
  6. Select Clear Return Mode  (replaces the Set Return Mode button) to toggle off returns and resume normal transactions.

* Note: Using the transaction number is necessary if discounts were applied to the original purchase:

Refund amount is less than the regular price because a discount was applied to the original sale

Note: Speak to your agent about setting a limit on how many days can elapse for returns (7-day return limit, 30-day return limit, etc.).