Set Up PAX S300

Jump to: Connect the Hardware | Connect the IP Address

System Requirements for PAX

  • Direct connection with a ethernet cable to PAX machine, the Pax machine does not support a wireless/WiFi connection
  • An IT guy to set a specific Address Reservation on the router

Connect the Hardware

You’ll need:

  • Supplied PAX S300 cables
  • Supplied ethernet cable
  • Access to your network router

To connect the PAX chip card reader to your POS:

  1. Connect one end of the ethernet cable to the red LAN port on the PAX S300 connector cable.

  2. Connect the other end of the ethernet cable to an open port on your router (the one your POS computer is connected to).

  3. Plug in the power supply for the PAX S300 device.

Your PAX S300 should now be connected to the POS.

Connect the IP Address

  1. Open the menu by pressing the blue function key and the number 1 together.
  2. The machine will ask for a password to open the menu. The password is always that day’s date in mm.dd.yyyy format. Press the green enter key on the keyboard.
  3. Push the down arrow on the touch screen to access the second menu screen. Select option 2 called Communication.
  4. The machine will again prompt for a password. The password is always that day’s date in mm.dd.yyyy format. Press the green enter key on the keyboard.
  5. Push the down arrow on the touch screen to access the second communication menu screen. Select option 2 called IP Address.
  6. Write down the IP address in format.
  7. Call First Choice POS at 718-522-0909 with the IP address to complete the setup.