Special Order – Item Not In Stock

» This article is for items that are in the system but not in stock. For items that are not in the system, see Special Order – Item Not In The System.

» To drop ship an item from the Customer Order page, see Drop Shipping.

JUMP TO: Tag Special Order in CheckoutOrder the “Special Order” from Supplier | Bulk Purchase Order of Special Orders | Issue Purchase Order | Track with Order Service

To check out an item that is a special order or not kept in stock, sometimes referred to as a catalog item, you need to add a Special Order (-SO-) tag so you can follow up after the sale and place that special order (with your team or with the supplier):

Tag Special Order in Checkout

  1. Scan or enter the item in the POS as in a regular sale.
  2. Select the Tag -SO-  button on the right Action panel of your POS (you might need your administrator to set it up for you if it’s not there); the tag will appear in the item line.
  3. Continue checkout as usual to complete transaction.

Now the item is tagged as -SO- so you know it’s a special order.

When the customer is not in front of you in the store, you can follow up and easily find the special order in the back end to do what you need with it.

Order the “Special Order” from Supplier

To obtain the special order, you need to:

a) Pull up the item in the Special Order report of Bulk Purchase Orders.

b) Issue the Purchase Order to the supplier.

a) Bulk Purchase Order of Special Orders

  1. Open your Dashboard.
  2. Select Reports from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select Bulk Purchase Orders .
  4. Select the Special Order report from the dropdown on the top right; all items with the -SO- tag show up here.
  5. Select Process PO’s  on the right; this will create purchase orders for the suppliers of all listed items. If purchase orders already exist with those suppliers, it will add the items to the open purchase orders.

b) Issue Purchase Order

Now you can issue the newly created (or updated) purchase orders as you would any existing purchase order.

  1. Go back to the Dashboard Home.
  2. Select Transactions from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select Purchase Orders .
  4. Select the purchase order that contains the special order; complete it as you would any purchase order.

Track with “Order Service”

To track the order and see where it’s holding:

  1. Open your Dashboard.
  2. Select Transactions from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select Order Service .

There should be a list of all orders tagged as -SO-. You can see where each order is holding with states such as Open, Done, Picked Up, Aborted or any workflow that works for your business.

For more about this page, see Order Service.

If you don’t see a list of orders, speak to your agent to set it up for you.