Merge Customer

Merging customers is useful if you have similar or duplicate accounts and want to combine them into one.

To delete a customer profile and merge all information, including transaction history, into a different customer profile:

  1. Open your Dashboard.
  2. Select Customers from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select Customer List .
  4. Select the customer you want to DELETE. Use the Finder to help search.
  5. In the customer page, select the small arrow to the right of the Save button at the top of the page. Select Merge Customer from the dropdown.

    A new window will appear with the selected customer on the left, ready to be removed.
  6. On the right side, press Select to choose the customer you want to move the information to.
  7. Select Merge above right.

All information from the first customer will be moved to the new customer. The new merged customer is now available to update and review.

Warning: Once merged, there is no way to undo. You will not be able to separate out the deleted customer's history - including balances, credits, transactions; all of it will be saved as if it always belonged to the new customer.