
How do I apply a discount?
See Quick Price Change to quickly change a price during checkout, without marking it as a discount.
See Discount a Sale or Discount an Item to give a one-time discount to a customer during checkout.
See the Totals section in Customer Order to discount a larger sale or a sale made via phone/online.
Use the “PO Cost” column or the Totals section in Purchase Order to show a discount from a supplier.
See Create a Price Rule to create a discount or special for all customers.
See the Financial section in Create a Customer to create a discount for a specific customer that applies to all transactions for that customer.

How do I take off tax?
See Adjust Tax During Checkout.

How do I void a payment?
See Void Payment.

How do I associate a payment with a specific transaction?
See Link Payments.

How do I pay a customer balance?
See Pay Account Balance.

How do I track a customer balance?
Dashboard > Customer > Reports > Customer Account Balance Tracking

How do I see all checks received?
Dashboard > Transaction Explorer > Checks

How do I see all credit card charges?
Dashboard > Transaction Explorer > CC Payments


How do I transfer inventory from one location to another?
In the backend, go to Dashboard > Items > Inventory Quick Transfer. Follow instructions as explained in the Quick Inventory Transfer section of the Item Inventory page.

How do I make changes to a pivot?
To make changes to the table itself, use the Matrix Editor. To update the inventory, cost, price and other details of items in the table, see Create a Matrix/Pivot Table.

How do I add/remove attributes to a pivot table?
To add or remove attributes from a pivot table, use the Matrix Editor.

How do I add/remove an item to a pivot table?
Items can be added and removed in the Matrix Editor.

How do I create attributes?
See Create Attributes.

How do I create an attribute set?
See Create an Attribute Set.

How do I sell and refill a gift card?
See Gift Card.

How do I add categories to the system?
This is normally a one-time process with your agent during setup. If you need to add more: In your web browser, type your web backend URL and add /import to the end of it. Select Categories from the Select Import Type dropdown. Click Get Template, list the categories in the spreadsheet, save the spreadsheet, and drop the file into the purple box to upload.

Can I have sub-categories?
Yes, speak to your agent to help you set it up.

Receipts and Labels

How do I change the message on the receipt?
From the POS, click Management at the bottom. At the top of the page, go to Tools > Site Settings > Receipt Settings and change the message.

How do I connect my receipt/label printer?
From the POS, click Management at the bottom. At the top of the page, go to Tools > Station Settings > Receipt Printer or Label Printer. Check Enable [Receipt] Printer and select the device name from the dropdown. If the printer doesn’t appear in the dropdown, speak to your IT administrator to make sure your printer is properly set up to print a test page from the computer’s Control Panel.

How do I change settings of receipt printing?
From the POS, click Management at the bottom. At the top of the page, go to Tools > Station Settings > Receipt Printer. Change settings there, including the print mode options of printing a receipt for every transaction, printing a receipt only for certain transactions, or never printing a receipt.

How do I add my logo?
Dashboard > Setup > Locations

How do I change my info on the receipt?
Dashboard > Setup > Locations

Hardware, Data and Getting Started

What are the hardware requirements to use First Choice POS?
See Specs page.

Do the POS software and hardware need to be purchased from the same vendor?
No, but it needs to have the specs as listed in the specs page.

Is it possible to operate the POS software from a Tablet?
Yes, on a Windows tablet.

I’m not tech-savvy, do I need to do the setup by myself?
No. First Choice POS does onsite setup and training to get you up and running. And we provide continued support over the phone and online any time you need.

How long does it take to get a point of sale system up and running?
Depending on your customizations, it can take as short as a week to get you going. Speak to your agent to learn more.

Can I transfer my data from a current POS to a new POS software system?
Yes. See Import Spreadsheet page. You will need to export the data from your old POS into the fields listed in the import page.

Can I export my data?
Yes. All reports have an option to Export as a PDF and Excel spreadsheet.

Can First Choice POS integrate with my web store/e-commerce site?
Yes. Our POS can integrate with Shopify, Magento, Amazon, Woo Commerce and more. Speak to your agent to learn more.

If the system is on the internet, is my data safe and secure?
Very much so. Our highly secured server facilities include biometric scanners, mantraps, card access, CCTV with archiving, and staff onsite 24/7/365. There are multiple power grids, redundant generators, and multiple backups. Our systems are also HIPAA compliant, SSAE 16 certified and PCI compliant.

If my internet stops working, would the terminal be able to process a sale?
Yes. First Choice POS is a hybrid of cloud-based and local storage. See Offline Mode.

How much does a retail POS system cost?
Total cost depends on the features you want in your system. Speak to your agent to determine what your business needs.

What is the benefit of having a POS System?
Without a POS, you’re running your business blindly. A good POS shows you the numbers you need to do business intelligently. It tracks transactions, orders, customers, suppliers and more. First Choice POS gives you the super-fast checkout, flexible pivot tables, and highly responsive technical support to keep customers happy, employees efficient and business profitable. Call us to get started.