Create a Price Rule

JUMP TO: General | Locations | Items | Customers | Coupon Codes | Quantity Limitations | Schedule | Example: Buy 1 Get 1 | Bulk Changes

Price rules are discounts that can be applied to items and customers, such as for seasons (e.g. summer discount), holidays, departments, model year, groups, bulk orders, teachers, students, VIP buyers, employees, military, new moms, $20 items, clearance, etc.

Note: Price rule will not apply to items that are locked, unless otherwise specified (see Include Price Lock below).

To create a price rule:

  1. Open your Dashboard
  2. Select Items from the Main Navigation menu on the left
  3. Select New Price Rule 


Add General information, including:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Priority in relation to other discounts (e.g. if there’s also a group discount that would apply to this purchase, which discount will be applied first)
  • Description Format, which will be shown on the receipt
  • Discount Type, such as new price (items will cost $10), fixed amount off ($10 off), percentage off (10% off), total price (total for all items purchased with this price rule will be $50), or manually price items (manually enter price for each item – see Items section, below)
  • Source for the discount, such as 10% off current price, 10% off MSRP or 10% off your cost
  • Pricing Value i.e. the number that will be applied, such as 10 for 10% or $10

You can also choose to:

  • Include Price Lock to override locked items
  • Determine whether the rule Is Enabled to enable a price rule or disable a price rule
  • Determine whether it Must Be Last Rule, in which case no other discounts will be applied after it


Select whether to apply this rule to all locations or only selected locations.


View and set which items this price rule applies to.

  1. Select whether price rule will apply to All (Exclude Selected) i.e. all items in the system except items below or Include Selected Only to apply the price rule only to the items below.
  2. Add items that this rule will apply to or exclude (based on selection above) by Scanning Lookup CodesSearching Product by NameSearching Product by Vendor or Searching Product by Category.

If Manually Price Items is selected in the General tab, you will be able to manually enter prices for items listed:

Additional options will be provided for manually priced items, including quick price discounts and rounding:

  • To print labels for these items with the price rule applied, click the Labels  button on the top right of the screen.


View and set which customers this price rule applies to.

  • To add a customer, search by name and press enter. They will be added to the price rule.
  • To remove a customer, select the customer name and click Remove Selected  above the list.

Coupon Codes

  1. Select whether this price rule Requires a Coupon Code.
  2. Add Coupon Code that will be used to apply the price rule.
  3. If the coupon code doesn’t yet exist, a button will appear on the right to Create a New Coupon with the code you entered.

Redeem Coupon

To use the coupon code in the POS, type $$ followed by the coupon code (e.g. $$summer10) or scan card. To remove the coupon, type $$0.

Quantity Limitations

This tab is to limit the price rule and for buy 1 get 1 discounts.

  1. Input Minimum Quantity, such as if you purchase 2
  2. Input Discounted Quantity, such as then you get 1 free or a percentage off 1 item
  3. Select whether this Is Mix and Match, i.e. if discount can apply to different items or if they must be the same item (e.g. buy 1 ice cream get 1 ice cream free vs. buy 1 ice cream get any item of equal value free)
  4. Select whether system Should Limit Occurrences; a new field will appear to input how many times a customer can get this discount (i.e. limit 1 per transaction)


Input Start Date and Time as well as End Date and Time for this price rule.

Example: Buy 1 Get 1

Buy one get one free (BOGO, Buy 1 Get 1), or buy one and get one 50% off, is a popular sales promotion. It’s good for driving sales, drawing cash flow, and getting rid of inventory.

First Choice POS makes it easy to implement a BOGO sale. And you have lots of options. You can extend it to buy 5 get 1, buy 10 get 2, or any quantities you choose. It can be applied to get only the same item free or to a mix-and-match item of equal or lesser value. Plus, you can limit occurrences so that buyers can only get this special once, or however many times you wish.

To implement:

  1. In the General tab, set the Discount Type and Pricing Value. This sets how much the second item will cost, such as New Price is 0 or Percentage is 50%.
  2. In the Quantity Limitations tab, set the Minimum Quantity and Discounted Quantity. This sets the minimum needed to buy in order to get the discount and how many of the discounted items you can get, such as buy 1 get 1 or buy 5 get 2.

Here’s how that looks:

Classic Buy 1 Get 1

–> Buying 2 total, one of them (the cheaper one) will get the discount
–> Discount is that it will be free

Buy 5 Get 2

–> Buying 7 total, the two cheapest ones will get the discount
–> Discount is that they will be free

Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off

Buy 2, one of them (the cheaper one) will get the discount
–> Discount is that it will be 50% off

Note: Discount can be taken from the cost or MSRP, instead of current price. Click the dropdown for Source and select your preference.

Bulk Changes

To update price rules in bulk, use YourUrl/import/spreadsheet.

Examples include deleting many price rules at once or applying a price rule to a long list of customers (such as a list of teachers who get a discount).

Here’s an example for deleting many price rules at once:

  1. Go to YourUrl/import/spreadsheet.
  2. In Import Type at the top right, select PriceRules.
  3. Add the Names of the price rules you want to delete, the Group (usually Discount), and a column called Delete with the value of yes or true.

  4. Click Import Selection. Your price rules will be deleted from the system.