Create an Item in the System

See also: General Item Details | Item Pricing | Item Inventory | Create a Price Rule | Quick Create Items | Bulk Edit Items

To add an item (i.e. product or merchandise) to the system:

  1. Open your Dashboard.
  2. Select Items from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select New Item .
  4. Input General Item Details.
  5. Hit Save  at the top right (or CTRL+S).

Additional Item Details

After saving, additional sections will appear in the left menu:

  • Alias to add additional lookup codes for the item
  • Categories for your products; also useful for price rules, reports and more
  • Matrix and Attributes if the item is part of a pivot table
  • Suppliers for this item, including supplier lookup codes; suppliers can be specified based on location
  • Pricing, including MSRP, profit margin, and more
  • Price Rules for special prices associated with the item
  • Inventory info, including multiple locations
  • Pictures of the item
  • Attachments such as warranties and manuals
  • Reports for the item, which can be customized by your admin based on your needs; default templates include:
    • Item Sales – Detailed
    • Item Sales – Summary
    • Item Movement History
    • Item Sales Totals History
    • Item On Hand Not Sold
    • PO Item Details

Click on links above for more info about item sections.

Item Options

Use the arrow to the right of the Save button in the Item page to:

  • Cancel (Back) – lose any entered information and go back to previous screen
  • Create a New Item – pull up a new screen to add another item
  • Clone Item – create an entry for a similar item (item name says “Clone” until you change it, in order to easily identify it as the cloned item); copies item name, item type, and item description
  • Merge Item – combine two similar or duplicate items into one
  • Delete Item – delete information and remove item from the system; if the item already has history, this can’t be done – use Merge Item (above) instead