Create Attributes

Attributes are variables for products, such as size, color, pattern, length, material, fabric type, paper type or thickness, neck type (v-neck, crew-neck), fit, style, flavor, package type (can, bottle, pouch), cover type (hardcover,  softcover), language, fat content (fat-free, low fat, full fat), sugars (sugar-free, sweetener type), flours (white, whole wheat, spelt, oat, gluten-free) and care (machine wash, hand wash, dry clean).

These attributes are used in the matrix/pivot table to differentiate the types of an item. Attributes are usually created while creating a matrix/pivot table.

Alternatively, to create an attribute independent of a matrix/pivot table:

  1. Open your Dashboard
  2. Select Items from the Main Navigation menu on the left
  3. Select Attributes 

New Attribute

  1. Select the + New Attribute button at the top of the Attributes table.
  2. In the popup screen, type the Name of the attribute.
  3. Select “Text” from the Type drop-down menu.


For text types, you need to create the values for this attribute.

  1. Select the + New Value button.
  2. Click the button again for as many values as you have.
  3. Type in the values, each in their own field.
  4. Hit Save  or CTRL+S.

For numbers, such as sizes:

You will now have this attribute, along with its values, saved in the system.

Bulk Change Values

To change attribute values in bulk (such as if you selected “Silver” for a bunch of items in a pivot table but it really should be “Yellow”):

  1. In the Matrix Editor (can be accessed from the Editor button at the top of the Pivot page), select the items you want to change.
  2. Select the Attribute you’re changing (in this case “Color”). Then select the Value you want to change it to (in this case “Yellow”).
  3. Click the Change Value on __ Items button.

Auto Sort

Attribute values can be sorted, depending on their type:

  • Manual – order the values using the green up and down arrows.
  • Alphabetically – order the values in alphabetical order, such as Apple, Banana, Strawberry; if there are numbers, they will be sorted as 1,11, 2, 22.
  • Numerically – order the values in numerical order, such as 1, 2, 11, 12.
  • Custom Sort – order the values using the custom sorting you create in the /CustomSorting page, such as:
    Instead of large, medium, small, x-large sorted in alphabetical order, you can custom sort it to small, medium, large, x-large.