General Item Details

The General Item Details tab on the Item page is where you enter the basic information about your products:

Lookup Code

Every item in your system has a unique lookup code. This code identifies the item and can be used to quickly locate it.

  • If you don’t have a code, leave the field blank. The system will create one for you.
  • If you have a code, input it here.

- When you enter the code, the system will automatically check to see if it's available. If a different item has this code, you will need a new one.

- No spaces, only dashes.

- Letters are not recommended; numbers are preferred.

- The fewer the characters, the better.

- Lookup codes that begin with the number 2 and have six digits are only for weighted items.

Item Name

This name will appear in the POS system and on receipts.

Note: Maximum 50 characters


This describes the item, such as wine country of origin or an ingredient list. It doesn’t show on receipts, unless you specifically request it.

Description can be printed on labels and/or you can use it internally for information about the item.

A good description will help you generate better information on reports.

Long Description (optional)

If you sell on Shopify, Amazon, or other online stores, you might be using longer descriptions to add product details further down in the listings.

Use the optional long description box to sync this information with your online store.

Customize how the text looks, add images, links, bullet points, tables and more.

Here’s where it shows up on the product page:

Item Type

Items can be set as different item types that trigger different actions:

  • Standard is for a regular item
  • Measured can be connected to a scale to automatically calculate weight or it can trigger a popup for you to input weight manually
  • Voucher is to create a gift card item
  • Kit is an item that includes a few items, such as a gift basket; individual items are removed from inventory when a kit is created
  • Group is a group of items, such as a 3-piece suit, that can each be purchased separately as well
  • Matrix is for items that come with multiple attributes, such as colors, sizes and fabrics
  • Non Inventory is an item that is not physically present, such as shipping
  • Random Weighted is an item that has a label with weight information, such as weight labels printed by takeout stores


Any notes you want to add, such as if an item is discontinued.

Display Message

A message that shows up on the POS when you check out this item, such as a reminder to ask for ID on an alcohol item, a suggestion to make another sale, or a heads-up that an item is dry clean only.

Tag Along Item

An item that must be purchased with another item – sometimes free, sometimes for additional cost. Ex: Bottle deposit.

Custom Fields

Your system can be customized to show additional fields unique to your business, such as Author, Style or Health (organic, gluten-free, etc.).

You can choose whether or not to add this to receipts, labels and reports.

Additional Details

  • Is Serialized is for an item with individual serial numbers, such as electronics. The serial number for each piece is entered in the popup that appears when entering serialized items in an order, or in the order BI panel.
  • Is Food Stampable is for items that are eligible for Food Stamps. If not selected, you won’t be able to pay with Food Stamps for this item at checkout. To set this based on location, you can specify for each location in the Pricing page.

Coming soon:

  • Receipt Description is an option to set what info goes on the receipt