Import / Edit via Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet import allows you to upload and edit spreadsheets right on the page, instead of having to download data, fix it in Excel, and upload it again.

It also has some nifty tools to help organize and update your data, as well as collaborate on sheets with others on the team. It is more advanced, so if you’re having trouble you can use the regular Important Unlimited Items page.

To get started:

  1. Go to the Spreadsheet Import page (an agent can set this up).
  2. Select the type of import from the dropdown at the top right of the page: Items, Customers, Suppliers, Item Inventory, Categories, Attributes, Vouchers, Item Pricing.
  3. Hit Get Template (Insert Template)  to insert the columns for this content type into Row 1 of the spreadsheet below (i.e. fields for Items, Customers, Suppliers, etc.).
  4. Paste the data you have right into the sheet. Make sure all the column names in Row 1 match with your data. If not, move things around to organize it properly.
    Hit the Open  button at the top left of the blank sheet to locate a sheet on your computer and insert it.
  5. Hit Import Sheet  at the top of the page.

The data will be imported into the system and added to the destination selected in the type of import (Step 2 above).

A new column will be added to the left of your data (in Column A) for a line-by-line status of the import and to let you know if any errors occurred in the process. A summary appears on the bottom right of the page.

Press Cancel  to stop an import in middle.

Use the Results  button to see the progress of past and current imports.

Hit Save  or CTRL+S to keep your work (without importing it). You can then Load it later or share it with a colleague to continue working on the data until you’re ready for import.

Update Existing Data

Got new supplier codes? Want to update categories for certain items? Merge multipe items? You can use existing data and update only some of the rows or columns.

  1. Load  your data from an existing sheet or Load Report (on the right) to pull up data from the system.
  2. Update the data in the sheet.
  3. Select the rows and/or columns you want to update and hit Import Selection . The button will show how many items are being updated.

Work With Your Data

The spreadsheet has several tools to help you work with your data. Use the tabs above the sheet (Home, Insert, Data) to help you out.

Custom Format – Automatically changes your data to a format, such as date.

Filter  – Shows only certain portions of your data, such as items created on a certain date or if you want to update all items that have “Must Enter Price”.

Add and Remove Columns and Rows – Located under the Insert tab.

Data Validation  – Defines what data is considered valid in certain cells, such as only numbers, only greater or less than a certain amount, or not leaving it blank.

For columns that represent checkmarks, use True for yes or False for no.

Max Errors Allowed – Determines how many errors are allowed on a sheet before the system stops the import. [If you have only a few errors in your data, the upload can process without a problem and you can make changes after. However, if there are too many errors in a sheet, chances are there’s a problem with your data and there’s no point in continuing.]

Download Data

Use the Export  button above the sheet to download the sheet to your computer.