Item Pricing

The pricing section stores all kinds of information about an item’s price. This can be specified by location or it can be applied to all locations.


  • Lock will lock the price and prevent any discounts from being applied during checkout (unless Include Price Lock is checked in a price rule).
  • Must Enter Price will produce a popup at checkout to enter price.
  • Food Stampable is for items that are eligible for Food Stamps. If not selected, you won’t be able to pay with Food Stamps for this item at checkout.
  • Any relevant taxes will be shown as well.

Set the Price

  • Cost is how much the item costs you
  • Markup is a percentage more of the cost1
  • MSRP is Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price2
  • Markdown is a percentage off the MSRP
  • Price is how much you sell the item for
  • Profit Margin is the percentage of profit you make on the sale1
  • Price Rounding rounds the price for you:

$5.84 to the nearest $1.00 → $6.00
$5.84 to the nearest $0.99 → $5.99
$5.84 to the nearest $0.09 → $5.79
$5.84 to the nearest $0.10 → $5.80
$5.84 to the nearest $0.05 → $5.85

Check Round Up Only to round to the larger number, not the nearest number.

Note: Rounding works only if the item has no tax.

1Profit Margin is the difference between the price and the cost (price minus cost). If something has 100% markup, only 50% is profit because you spent money purchasing the item.

2 Many manufacturers require that you show MSRP. Even if you sell it for less, the MSRP can be indicated on the item label so customers can see that they’re getting a discount. This is useful for clothing, appliances, books, etc.