Rule Priority

Jump to: Must Be Last Rule

When you have multiple Price Rules in place, it can become necessary to set rule priority if the rules overlap.

For example, say you have a summer sale of $10 off but also have a VIP customer discount of 10%. Do you want to:

  1. take $10 off, then 10% off what’s left, or
  2. take 10% off the sale, then $10 off?

If the sale is $100, it will total $81 for the first option and $80 for the second option. Other combinations can have an even great impact.

To set which price rule goes first:

  • In the Price Rule page, enter the priority number in the Priority field. If it’s top priority enter 1, if it’s second priority enter 2, etc.

If it’s not a high priority, enter a greater number.

Must Be Last Rule

Say you have a discount of 50% off. You probably don’t want any additional discounts applied after that.

To make sure a rule doesn’t have any other rules applied after:

  • Check off Must be Last Rule in the Price Rule page. This will make sure no rules are applied after this one.
Note: If two rules have it checked off and they both apply to the sale, it will sort based on priority.