Create a Shipment

Set up shipments and print shipping labels from USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. right inside the First Choice system.

Create Shipping Service

There are several ways to create a shipment:

  1. From an order or purchase order: Under Ship To, click Select and choose the ship to address. Save. Once the address is saved you can hover over it and select the little shipping truck to open the Shipping page.

    See also: Order for Multiple Recipients
  2. From the POS: While ringing up a sale, check off the Shipping box at the bottom right of the main screen. It will create a shipping service order. Press F11 on your keyboard to add any details as needed. In the warehouse it will appear in the shipping list, where they can add shipping details (as below).

Shipping Details

To set shipping details:

  1. Open your Dashboard. Select Transactions from the main menu, then Shipping. Select the shipment from the list. [Recommended: If you use shipping often, add the page as a shortcut at the top of your dashboard.]

  2. In the left navigation, select the Delivery tab.
  3. Input the # of cases (packages) you want to ship. They will appear on the bottom of the page as a line item for each package.
  4. Select location* (if it has multiple locations). Make sure the addresses are correct and add any shipping notes. Click Verify to align the address with the UPS/USPS database and fill in details.

  5. Input the package details in the table, including dimensions, max price you’re willing to pay, and max number of days you can wait. Or select from preset packages.
  6. Click Get Rates at the top of the table. It will automatically add the cheapest option based on the preferences you entered. > A list of other shipping options will appear below, in case you want to change it. Select the one you want to buy. > You can also get rates and select different options for each line individually.

  7. Click Buy All or click the dollar image on each line to buy individually. The shipping labels will appear below, as well as tracking numbers to track the package.
  8. Click the Print icon to print the shipping label.

Preset Packages

To set up pre-defined shipping boxes for frequently used package settings:

  1. Go to yourURL/ShippingPresets.
  2. Click Add new record at the top.
  3. Create a name for the preset package type and fill in the settings.
  • Preferred Service – such as Ground, Priority, First Class, etc.
  • Predefined package – predefined package types from the carrier, which have flat rates.

*UPS requires an addressee, so make sure to add it when you set a location. Otherwise it will return an error. Ask your agent to help you set locations (/location).