Receive a Purchase Order

JUMP TO: Receive Full Order | Receive Partial Order | Receive with Barcodes | Print Labels From PO | Transaction Readout

To receive a Purchase Order when supplier delivery arrives:

  1. Open your Dashboard
  2. Select Transactions from the Main Navigation menu on the left
  3. Select Purchase Order
  4. In the new window, select the purchase order you’re receiving; you can do this by searching supplier, date, transaction number, or any other information you have for the order.
  5. Change the Order Status at the top right of the page to Receive.

Option 1: Receive Full Order

If the delivery arrived as exactly as ordered:

  1. Select Receive All above the list of items in the order. All items will be received in the quantity ordered.
  2. Update the Order Status at the top right of the page to Complete.
Note: Your system can be set to automatically Receive All when the Receive state is selected.

Option 2: Receive Partial Order

If only some of the order arrived:

  1. Enter how many of each item has been received in the Addtl Qty Supply column. (You can start by selecting Receive All and modify only the rows that need to be changed.)
  2. Hit Save at the top right of the page or CTRL+S (only move order status to Complete when all items have been received). The Qty Supplied column will now show the number of items actually received i.e. if 5 were ordered but 8 arrived, it will show 8 in that column.

To recieve as separate invoices, see Receive PO in Multiple Shipments (Sub POs).

Option 3: Receive with Barcodes

To receive by scanning barcodes:

  1. Click inside the Scan & Search Items Here field, below the list of items in the order.
  2. Scan items. The Addtl Qty Supply column will update as you scan. If an item was not in the original purchase order, the item name and quantity will turn red to indicate that it’s different than ordered.
  3. At the top right of the screen, hit Save or CTRL+S if not all items in the order are received, or change Order Status to Complete if you received everything you ordered.
Note: If you receive more of an item than you ordered, the number will turn red. If an item is received that was not in the purchase order at all, the name and number will turn red.

Print Labels from Purchase Order

While in the Receiving state, you can print labels for the new items you received.

  1. Select Print Labels  from the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Select Print All or select the items you want to print and click Print Selected.

Transaction Readout

If you regularly compare your purchase orders to printouts from the supplier, you can set up a widget in your purchase orders’ BI panel that reads the order aloud for you.

Widget settings:

  • Header Template – select what you want the system to read out from the PO header.
    • Ex: Transaction number
  • Row Template – select what you want the system to read out from the PO columns.
    • Ex: Name (of the item), Item Price, PO Case cost, Quantity Supplied, Extended