Receive PO in Multiple Shipments

When a purchase order is sent by the supplier in multiple deliveries, there are two ways to track them:

  1. Transaction Receiving (basic) – assigns reference numbers to the different deliveries with the date, notes and POs showing only the items supplied on that date.
  2. Sub POs (advanced) – creates separate transactions for each delivery under the base PO, with the option of using separate discounts and additional charges for each sub PO.

Transaction Receiving (Basic)

To receive orders in multiple shipments using reference numbers:

  1. Set up the Transaction Receiving widget in your BI panel.
  2. In the order, change the State to Receiving.
  3. In the widget, press the + button at the bottom right.
  4. Add the Date, Reference Number (of the PO), and any Notes.
  5. Input the quantity delivered in the Addtl Qty Supply column.
  6. Save. The reference number just created will collapse. You can expand it to print item labels and the PO based on what was just supplied.

Sub PO (Advanced)

To create a base PO that will have multiple sub POs:

  1. Go to Select + New Base Purchase Order. (A button can be created on your dashboard to go directly to this.)
  2. Enter the order information and items in the base PO and Save. Send to the supplier as usual.
  3. When the partial PO arrives, click + Create Sub Transaction in the BI panel. The sub order will automatically be in the Receiving state.
  4. Enter the items into the sub PO. You can do this by scanning the items received or selecting from the base using the Load all entries from base or Pick items to add icons in the BI panel.
  5. Update the Addtl Qty Supplied column as needed.
  6. Save.

The items in the sub PO will be received as a separate PO, indicated by the same purchase order number as the base PO followed by a forward-slash and which number sub it is.


  • Discounts and additional charges can be applied in each individual sub PO.
  • Items delivered by the supplier that were not in the original base order will appear as red when you enter them in the sub and won’t be visible in the base (since it’s not part of the original PO sent to the supplier).
  • The Open PO column shows the qty of an item that was ordered but not yet received (ordered 5 but only received 2 = Open PO of 3).
  • If you already created a regular PO not as a sub, click the Split button in the BI panel to add subs (at step 3 above).