Set Up Dashboard

The dashboard is the control center of your business.

This is where you can access all the functions of the system and view important business reports at a glance.

To set up your dashboard:

  1. Open your Dashboard.
  2. Select Setup from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select Set Up Dashboard Pages & Widgets.
  4. Select Main from the list of pages on the left.
  5. Double click widgets from the Available Widgets column on the right. They will be added to the Widgets for Main Page column in middle.

Widget Settings

Edit widget names and other settings in the bottom section.

  • Title is the name you want to call this widget on your dashboard
  • Report Key pulls up the name of the report you want it to show
  • Reload Interval sets how frequently the report refreshes (every __ seconds)
  • Series Column selects which column in the report to show
  • Color sets the colors used in the chart; use a comma-separated list with quotes for the color names (i.e. “blue”, “orange”, “green”)
  • Sum Column sets the column name used for the sum numbers in pie charts

Drag and drop widgets in the middle section to rearrange where they are on the page.

These widgets show you useful and insightful data for your business. Speak to your agent to customize what your dashboard can show you, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts and more.

Print Label Widget

The Print Label widget makes it easy to print out item labels.

Simply scan an item, determine how many copies you need, and the label will print.

The widget allows you to select the label layout as well as the printer.

Sale Label Widget

The Sale Label widget is useful for quick price changes. It not only prints the sale price, but also associates the item to the price rule in the back end.

Simply scan an item, determine how many copies you need, and the label will print.

The widget allows you to select the label layout as well as the printer.

  • To quickly access pages you use frequently, see Shortcuts.