
Most of your questions can be answered in the pages of this help site.

If you can’t find your problem, or you would like to request a new feature, the best way to get that handled is by submitting a support ticket.

Submit a Support Ticket

  1. On your dashboard, click the Support button on the bottom right.
  2. Fill out the form to describe your issue. Attach screenshots, set priority, and let us know the best way to get back to you.
  3. Submit the form and you’re done. The team will have a look at the issue and do our best to resolve it.

Report a Page Error

If you’re receiving an error on a page, click the Report Page Error button on the support tab at the bottom right of the page to send it to our support technicians.

The subsequent popup allows you to add additional comments to help us understand what prompted the issue.

If you need anything else, we’re just a phone call away. Give us a call at 718-522-0909 or email [email protected].