Specs (System Specifications)

Most equipment needed to use our point-of-sale system can be purchased from us at First Choice POS.

Order Hardware

To order hardware*, please browse to our shop website to place your order.

Enter Quantity Below Price Item
N/A Touchscreen Dell 19.5″ Optiplex 3050 All-in-One
$199 Pole Customer Display BemaTech LV3000U LCD
N/A If available: Dell Inspiron 21.5″ (White)
$250 Receipt Printer Star Tsp-143 Thermal
$375 Barcode Printer TSC DA210
$260 Ribbon Printer SP-700 (for dry cleaners)
$75 $20 Receipt Paper with First Choice Logo on the back (50 rolls, 2.125″ x 230′)
$75 Barcode Stickers (11 rolls)
$450 Datalogic Wireless Scanner (Wireless, White)
$450 Datalogic Wireless Scanner (Wireless, Black)
$150 Datalogic Wired Scanner HD3130 (Black)
New Zebra Omnidirectional Scanner DS9208
Datalogic Magellan 9800i Scanner Scale Combo
Cash Drawer
$125 Cash Drawer J-423-B (Black)
$125 Cash Drawer J-423-B (White)

Credit Card Payment

$500 PAX S300
$75 Credit Card Swiper Magtek encrypted by FC
Ask Chip Credit Card Reader PAX S90 V3


N/A Wi-Fi Nano Adapter (for computers with no wifi)
$23 4-Port USB Hub
$25 7-Port USB Hub

The following hardware MUST be purchased from First Choice:

  • Credit card swiper – Magtek. Must be encrypted by First Choice POS
  • Chip device – PAX machine or Castle MP200 programmed by First Choice POS

Click here to see additional pricing and packages.

Minimum Requirements

If you want to use your own hardware, you’ll need the following:

  • Windows 8 and greater
  • Intel i3 processor and greater
  • 8gb RAM and greater
  • 256gb memory and greater, SSD recommended.
    (for smooth operating; the software itself doesn’t require all of that memory)
  • Anti-virus such as Windows Defender.
  • WiFi capability Is important to have on your computer as a backup option when a cable connection is not available.

You will also need internet connectivity. Use an ethernet cable; wi-fi is not recommended for daily use (only for backup).

System URLs

Click here for our full white list.

Server Security

First Choice invests heavily in the security and reliability of the system, so you can run your business with complete peace of mind.

Here are some of the many advanced elements of our highly secured server facilities:

  • Biometric scanners
  • Mantraps
  • Card access
  • CCTV with archiving
  • Staff onsite 24/7/365
  • Multiple power grids
  • Redundant generators
  • Multiple backup generators
  • Router with live tracking
  • Backup router
  • Top notch server with moment-by-moment backups
  • Server restart in fewer than 5 minutes

Our systems are also HIPAA compliant, SSAE 16 certified and PCI compliant.

  • As a hybrid cloud + local system, First Choice POS is designed to continue running even if the internet fails. For more information about what happens if connectivity is temporarily down, see Offline Mode.

* Most equipment comes with a 1-year warranty. Dell computers usually come with a 3-year warranty. FIRST CHOICE POS DOES NOT PROVIDE GENERAL IT SUPPORT FOR YOUR COMPUTERS AND EQUIPMENT. EVEN MERCHANDISE PURCHASED FROM US IS ONLY SUPPORTED DURING SETUP. YOUR BUSINESS IS REQUIRED TO HAVE ITS OWN PROVIDER FOR GENERAL IT SUPPORT. This is separate from the support we provide for the Point-of-Sale software itself.