Create a Supplier

To add a supplier to the system:

  1. Open your Dashboard.
  2. Select Suppliers from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select New Supplier .
  4. Input General information (details here).
  5. Hit Save  on the top right or CTRL+S.

After saving, additional sections will open on the left panel and you will be able to enter additional supplier details:

  • Categories associated with this supplier
  • Addresses for the supplier (select New Address  on the top right)
    Address auto-completes; pulls up maps and street view
  • Sub Accounts for when there are multiple purchasers in the company, multiple divisions, or any account that has multiple sub-accounts

    When you create an order, you will have the option to select the sub-account

  • Items that this supplier sells (see Grid Setup to adjust views)
  • Attributes & Matrix for items that this supplier sells
  • Financial information, including payment terms and tax number
  • Reports that can be generated for this supplier, such as account activity, payout list, and purchase order list
  • Link payments to specific transactions – used when paying out a random sum of money that you need to apply to transactions (details here)