Special Order – Item Not In The System

» This article is for items that are not in the system. For items that are in the system but not in stock, see Special Order – Item Not In Stock.

JUMP TO: Create Special Order Item | Check Out Special Order | Change to New Item | Order From Supplier | SO Transaction Change Report

To check out a special order for an item you don’t have in the system, you can finish the sale quickly with a Special Order item (while the customer is in front of you), then go back later to create and order the new item.

Here’s how to do that so the system tracks and updates everything properly:

Create Special Order Item

A Special Order item only needs to be created one time. If you already have an item called Special Order, you can continue to the next section [Check Out Special Order].

  1. Create an Item in the System called Special Order. Use SO as the lookup code or as an alias, so you can easily find it during checkout. Add Special Order to the description as well so it can be easily identified in reports.
  2. In the Pricing tab, check the box for Must Enter Price. This will generate the popup during checkout to manually enter a price [see Check Out Special Order].
  3. Call us at 718-522-0909 to set up a task designating this item as a special order. (Again, this is just for the first time.)

Check Out Special Order

When making a sale for merchandise that’s not in the system (and requires a special order to provide it for the customer),  use the Special Order item created above.

  1. In the POS, select or Add the Customer you’re selling the special order to.
  2. Enter the item called Special Order.Tip: If your business is likely to sell Special Orders frequently, create a shortcut button for the Special Order item in the Right Panel of the POS.
  3. A popup will appear, allowing you to enter price for the special order.
  4. Change the Item Name to whatever you would like the transaction entry (and receipt) to say.
  5. Finish the sale as usual. Be sure the customer is applied to the sale.

Change to New Item

After the sale is complete (and the customer is not waiting in front of you), you can change the special order to a new item in the system.

  1. Go to the /specialorder page in the backend.
  2. Select the Special Order you sold. After clicking, it will appear in the table on the bottom of the page.
  3. In the new table, enter an Item Name for the new item you want to create. It can be the same as the one you entered during checkout.
  4. Add Cost, Price (if different from what you entered at checkout), and Description (optional).
  5. Click Process Items.
[Click for full image]
The new item(s) will be created. You can select them and add additional details in the item pages, as you would for any item you create.

Order From Supplier

Now that the item is in the system, you can order it from the supplier. Use the same process as a regular Special Order:

a) Bulk Purchase Order of Special Orders

b) Issue Purchase Order

The Special Order has now been placed. With this process, your profit and loss reports will match up, the item will be taken out of stock,  and the order can be issued and tracked.

Customer history will show the new item name it was changed to, so you have the latest information.

SO Transaction Change Report

To track the history of these changes, go to the /Report/Load/STC page in the backend (also called SO Txn Change).

This report shows everything you did with special order items. It shows the new item name, the name you called it in the transaction (this is what it’s called on the receipt), the transaction number, the lookup code for the new item, the original lookup code for the Special Order item, the original name, and the date of the transaction.

  • For items that are in the system but not kept in stock, see Special Order.
  • To use shortcuts for these pages, see Shortcuts.