
JUMP TO: Customer Order | Purchase Order

Throughout the system, there are powerful tables with columns that provide you with important information about your business.

Here are explanations of terms used in Customer Orders and Purchase Orders:

Customer Order

  • isChecked – checkbox to select the item
  • Display Index – numbered order for the items
  • Pivot – opens the pivot table if this item is part of one
  • Lookup Code – unique item ID in the system
  • Open Item – opens item details in a new screen
  • Item Name – name of the item
  • On Order – how many of the item are in purchase orders in the system (either waiting to be ordered from the supplier or already issued – depending on your settings)
  • On Hand – how many you have in inventory
  • Reserved (On Reserve) – how many of this item are on reserve for customers in the system
  • MPQ – master pack quantity i.e. how many come in a pack
  • Quantity Ordered – how many you want to order (if it’s a weight item, this indicates how many of the weight value you want to order, such as 5 lbs, 5 oz)
  • Quantity Ordered Case (Cases Ordered) – how many cases you want to order
  • Quantity Ordered 2 (Units Ordered) – (if it’s a weight item, this indicates how many pieces you want to order, such as 5 potatoes, 5 carrots)
  • Quantity Reserved (Reserved) – how many of this item are reserved for customers in this order
  • Quantity Supplied (Qty Supplied) – shows the number you entered in Addtl Qty Supply (below)
  • Quantity to Supply (Addtl Qty Supply) – this is where you input how many were actually delivered when the order is received
  • Quantity Supplied 2 (Units Supplied) – same as above, but in units if it’s a weight item (such as 5 potatoes, 5 carrots)
  • Cost – how much the item cost you
  • Price – how much you charge customers for this item
  • Case Price – special price per case
  • Is Manual Price (M Price) – provides a checkbox for the price to be entered manually
  • Tax – applicable taxes
  • Extended – line total
  • Extended After Discount (Discounted) – line total after discount
  • Additional Charge – additional charges, entered manually or divided by the Additional Charges at the bottom right of the order; see Totals section in Customer Order page
  • Reference Number (Ref. Number) – additional number or note for the item
  • Sales Rep ID (Sales Rep) – sales rep information

Purchase Order

  • isChecked – checkbox to select the item
  • Display Index – numbered order for the items
  • Pivot – opens the pivot table if this item is part of one
  • Lookup Code – unique item ID in the system
  • Open Item – opens item details in a new screen
  • Item Name – name of the item
  • Description – description for the item
  • Custom Field1 (Custom Field) – custom field pre-set in your system, such as Author or Style #; if a custom field is created (Agent Setup>Item Custom Fields), it needs to be named again in Grid Setup
  • On Order – how many of the item are in purchase orders in the system (either waiting to be ordered from the supplier or already issued – depending on your settings)
  • On Hand – how many you have in inventory
  • Reserved (On Reserve) – how many of this item are on reserve for customers in the system
  • MPQ – master pack quantity i.e. how many come in a pack
  • Item MPQ – this is where you input a new master pack quantity for the item in the system
  • MSRP – manufacturer’s suggested retail price
  • Quantity Ordered (Qty Ordered) – how many you want to order (if it’s a weight item, this indicates how many of the weight value you want to order, such as 5 lbs, 5 oz)
  • Quantity Ordered Case (Cases Ordered) – how many cases you want to order
  • Quantity Ordered 2 (Units Ordered) – (if it’s a weight item, this indicates how many pieces you want to order, such as 5 potatoes, 5 carrots)
  • Quantity Reserved (Reserved) – how many of this item are reserved for customers in this order
  • Quantity On Order (Ordered) – how many of this item are on back order with this supplier
  • Quantity Supplied (Qty Supplied) – shows the number you entered in Addtl Qty Supply (below)
  • Quantity To Supply (Addtl Qty Supply) – this is where you input how many were actually delivered when the order is received
  • Quantity Supplied 2 (Units Supplied) – same as previous, but in units if it’s a weight item (such as 5 potatoes, 5 carrots)
  • Open PO – qty of an item that was ordered but not yet supplied (ordered 5 but only received 2 = Open PO of 3)
  • Item Cost – how much the item cost you
  • New Item Cost (New Cost) – here’s where you input a new cost for the item in the system, to be applied in future orders as well
  • Supplier Cost – item cost unique to this supplier
  • Calculated Cost Change (Cost Change) – the difference between old cost and new cost, a useful data point for determining a new price for customers
  • Price (PO Cost) – a cost unique to this PO – doesn’t change the usual cost for this item in the system
  • Price Percent (PO Cost %) – a cost unique to this PO, in discount form; i.e. you get 10% off this item for this PO
  • Case Price (PO Case Cost) – a special price for a case of this item unique to this PO – doesn’t change the usual case price for this item in the system
  • Item Price – how much you charge customers for this item
  • New Item Price (New Price) – here’s where you input a new customer price for the item in the system
  • Current Item Markup (Current Markup) – existing markup from the cost of the item
  • New Item Markup (New Markup) – here’s where you enter a new markup for the item in the system
  • Supplier Item Code (Supplier Code) – item code the supplier uses for this item
  • Is Primary Supplier (Is Primary) – indicates if this is the main supplier for this item
  • Extended – line total
  • Extended After Discount (Discounted) – line total after discount
  • Additional Charge (Additional $) – additional charges, entered manually or divided by the Additional Charges at the bottom right of the order; see Totals section in Purchase Order page
  • Reference Number (Ref. Number) – additional number or note for the item