Create a Matrix / Pivot Table

JUMP TO: Create the Matrix | Add Attributes | Set Up the Pivot Table | Set Inventory | Add Price | Additional Pivot Details | Change Price Based on Color/Size/Other AttributePrint Labels

A matrix is used for items that have many attributes, such as colors, sizes, sleeve lengths, flavors, languages, etc.

The matrix creates a pivot table with multiple rows and columns for the different attributes.

  1. Open your Dashboard.
  2. Select Items from the Main Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Select New Bulk Pivot Editor .

Create the Matrix

  1. Input Name for the matrix.
  2. Input Base Item Name, which will be expanded for each item in the pivot table.
  3. If you have a Base Lookup Code, enter it here; otherwise, leave it blank.
  4. Press CTRL + S or click Save  on the top right to move on to the next step.

Note: If you already have an item in the system that this pivot will be based on, choose Select Base Item on the second line.

Add Attributes

You will now be able to select attributes for the table.

To add a new attribute:

  1. Input New Attribute Name, such as Size.
  2. Input Attribute Value, such as Small, Medium, Large.
Note: Use the shortest input possible, such as S, M, L to minimize how much space it will take up in each item name. Limit of the full item name is 50 characters, including the base item name and all attributes. Example: Samsonite Spinner (28", Black, Leather) can be shortened to Smsnt Spnr (28", Blk, Lthr). Use only letters and numbers; no special characters.

Another Note: Maximum number of values per attribute is 100. If you have many values, such as many colors or sizes, try to divide them into different attribute lists. For example: Letter Size (S, M, L), Kids Size, Adult Size, etc. so you don't have too long of a list of values.

To add an attribute that’s already saved in the system:

  1. Choose Existing from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Add.

To add a group of attributes that’s already saved in the system:

  1. Choose Group from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Add.
    System pulls up the attributes + values saved in this Group
  3. Click the small Reload Data  button on the top right to create the pivot table. A blank pivot table will appear with the added attributes:

Note: If you're creating the pivot table from a purchase order and the supplier has been selected, saved default attributes for that supplier will come up automatically.

To save default attributes for a supplier, create pivot table from a purchase order with the supplier selected and click the Save Default Attributes to Supplier button after creating the attributes.

Set Up the Pivot Table

Drag the attributes into the table to arrange the columns:

Click image to view

If you don’t want to show all the attributes in the attribute set, click the arrow next to the attribute and uncheck the ones you don’t want to see.

Set Inventory

  1. Select Set Inventory from the menu on the top left of the pivot table.
  2. Input the quantity you have of each item in the appropriate square in the table. If you don’t have or know the inventory but want to create the items in the system, enter 0.
You have 5 of the Knee-length, Green/Blue, Cotton; 3 in Maroon/Gray; 5 in Mint/Choral, etc.

Add Price

To add price for the whole pivot table:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the screen.
  2. Add CostMarkup and/or Price.

This price will be added to all the squares in the table:

All the dresses are $38.99

To add price for individual items in the table:

  1. Select Price from the top left of the table.
  2. Input the price in each appropriate square.
Items have different prices

Additional Pivot Details

Select the menu at the top left of the table for additional information:

  • Your Cost and MSRP
  • Price A and Price B for different levels of wholesale pricing
  • Lookup Code – these are automatically generated, but you can change them in the table
  • Edit Item gives you a  link to the Items page to edit the individual item in the system, with the ability to adjust things such as alias, price rules, supplier, tax, pictures and attachments.
  • Manage Items allows you to x out items to delete them from the pivot table (the items will still exist in the system; to delete the items themselves, click the arrow to go to the item page and delete from there)

Change Price Based on Color/Size/Other Attribute

To change price based on color, size or any other attribute:

  1. In the table below the pivot, click the column name of the attribute you want to change the price of. For example, if you want to change the price of all long sleeve shirts, click the Sleeve Length column name to sort so that all long sleeve shirts are together.
  2. Select all the items you want to change – either by dragging your mouse over the items or by clicking the checkboxes on the item rows.
  3. Click the Selected Only checkbox beneath the table.
  4. Enter the new price in the price field beneath the table.
  5. Click Apply.

Print Labels from Pivot

To print labels from the pivot, click the small print icon  on the bottom right of the page.

  • To make changes to the matrix, you can only do it in the Edit Matrix page. Click the Edit Matrix  button on the top right of the screen. See Matrix Editor for more info.
  • For another way to edit multiple items, see Bulk Edit Items.
  • To create attributes, see Create Attributes.
  • To create a group of attributes, see Create an Attribute Set.
  • If this page is used frequently, you can create a Shortcut.