Pages Setup

Jump to: Item Page | Customer Page | POS Page | Orders and Inventory Transfer | Create Linked PO | Pivot Page | Category Picker | Item Label Page | Transfer In Out | Bulk Purchase Order | POS Return | Backend Payment Page

Many pages have an icon in the footer which allows you to Edit Current Page Layout. This takes you to the setup for that page.

Item Page

  • Header
  • External Mappings
  • General
  • Alias
  • Serialized
  • Pictures
  • Attachments
  • Categories
  • Brand
  • Attributes and Matrix
  • Inventory
  • Suppliers
  • Pricing
  • Price Rule
  • Substitutes and Completions
  • Reports
  • Simple General
  • Barcode
  • Kit
  • Group
  • Show Long Description – the longer item description used for products on websites, Amazon listings, etc.

For more info about these elements, see Create an Item in the System.

Customer Page

  • Customer Actions
  • General
  • Categories
  • Addresses
  • Financial
  • Sub Accounts – accounts under the main account, such as different teachers in a school; the balance remains on the base account but you can see who made the purchase
  • Attributes
  • Reports
  • Voucher
  • Customer Print out
  • Customer Statement
  • Link Payments
  • Cards on File
  • Customer Statement Show All – shows all transactions, not just the last 90 days

For more info about these elements, see Create a Customer.

POS Page

  • Hide Void Button
  • Hide Create Return Button
  • Hide Create Service Button
  • Hide Manage Button
  • Hide Print Button
  • Hide History Button

Purchase Order, Invoice (Customer Order), and Inventory Transfer Pages

PO Details

  • Must Select Sub Account if Exists – requires a sub account to be selected (if there are multiple)
  • Hide Account Address
  • Hide Attention
  • Hide Bill To
  • Hide Reference Number
  • Hide Receiving Reference Number
  • Hide Terms
  • Hide FOB
  • Hide Expected
  • Hide Expected End
  • Hide Ship to
  • Ship To Site (auto set address)

Item Input Methods

  • Hide Add Items Button In Toolbar – pulls up the finder with list of items, and searches as you type
  • Hide Add Items Split Mode Button In Toolbar – opens the list of items on a side panel so you can keep adding items
  • Hide Add Pivot Items Button In Toolbar – add items based on pivot table
  • Show Full Create Item Button in Toolbar – creates an item with all the details on a regular Item page
  • Hide Quick Create Item Button In Toolbar – create multiple items one after another, by adding basic info
  • Hide Quick Create Pivot Button In Toolbar – creates a new pivot table
  • Show Quick Add Items Toolbar – a keyboard-based way to quickly input items and quantity, and only searches when you press enter (makes the search faster)
  • Show Quick Add Items Toolbar Scan – the scan item field
  • Show Quick Add Items Toolbar is Case – checkbox for case items
  • Show Quick Add Items Toolbar Reference Number – additional number or note for the item
  • Hide Add Supplier Items Button – appears after selecting a supplier; shows only items associated with that supplier
  • Hide Seasons – option to select by season
  • Show Add At Selection – adds a button to insert the next item before the line you’re currently on, after the line you’re on, or at the top of the item list; default setting is to add items to the bottom of the list


  • Hide Save Layout Button in Toolbar – saves the column layout
  • Hide Edit Layout Button in Toolbar – selects which columns to show and other options
  • Hide Clear Filters Button in Toolbar – clears filters if you filtered the table (available when “filterable” is selected in Edit Layout)
  • Hide Toolbar – removes the toolbar


  • Hide Update Item Changes On All Locations Checkbox
  • Update Item Changes On All Locations Checked By Default
  • Hide Remove Unchecked
  • Hide Next Item Qty
  • Hide Next Item Is Case
  • Hide Next Item Auto Reset
  • Always Sum Duplicate Items
  • Print Labels Report Key
  • Run Script Before Save – a script of your choice that runs before PO is saved
  • Update PO Cost On Item Cost Change – updates the PO cost when Item Cost is changed
  • Update Item Cost On PO Cost Change – updates the Item Cost when PO Cost is changed

For more info about these elements, see Purchase Order or Customer Order.

Create Linked Purchase Order Page

  • Drop Ship Mode Checked By Default

For more info about these elements, see Drop Shipping.

Pivot Page

  • Edit Only Mode Checked By Default
  • Show Bulk Update Custom Field 1
  • Show Bulk Update Custom Field 2
  • Show Save Default Attributes To Supplier – when you create a pivot table from a PO where the supplier has been selected, it will show a button to save the attributes to that supplier; next time you create a pivot table from a PO with that supplier, the attributes will automatically load when you save the pivot name and base item name
  • Show all attribute values – will show also attributes that don’t have items created; will make the pivot load more slowly
  • Fail Save If Item Has Zero Cost
  • Fail Save If Item Has Zero Price

For more info about these elements, see Create a Matrix / Pivot Table.

Category Picker

  • Load Full Tree – Opens all sub-folders
  • Don’t Close Popup On Select – Allows you to select multiple categories (instead of closing the window after each one)

For more info about these elements, see Categories.

Item Label Page

  • Show Insert Cover Labels Button – option to print a cover label showing how many labels are about to be printed
  • Show Print At Least One Checkbox
  • Print At Least One Checked By Default – checks the box automatically; requires un-check to remove
  • Auto Insert Cover Labels
  • Reverse Order – prints the labels in reverse order; easier if you just got a shipment and want to do the items closest to you first
  • Default Layout Blank
  • Don’t Print Labels with Zero Price – doesn’t print labels if the item doesn’t have a price
  • Extra Copies Field

Transfer In/Out Page

  • Group Scanned Entries
  • Printer Name
  • Transfer Out:
    • Workflow State to Join
    • Workflow State to Supply
    • Workflow State to Close
    • Source Report Layout
    • Require Sales Rep to Transfer Out
    • Set Qty Ordered Same as Supplied
  • Receive
    • Workflow State to Start Receiving
    • Workflow State to Close Receiving
    • Destination Report Layout
    • Require Sales Rep to Receive
    • Source Qty Supplied Based on Destination

For more info about these elements, see Transfer Out / Receive.

Bulk Purchase Order

  • Don’t Select Cell Multiple – removes the option to drag and drop to select multiple cells, so that when you click a cell it will take you to the Edit page (the two abilities conflict)

POS Return

  • Focus On Scan Item Field
  • Hide Non Returnable Items
  • Auto Combine Hold Returns
  • Select Most Recent Transaction (Order by Descending)
  • Noty in Header

Overall Page Layout

  • Navigate Left and Right on Grid Without Ctrl – move around between cells in a table without having to hold down CTRL (otherwise it stays within the cell so you can move between characters)
  • Prompt to Save – set how many minutes system waits before prompting you to save your work

Backend Payment Page

  • Take Deposit Checked By Default
  • Auto Link Checked By Default
  • Hide Payable items
  • Block Save With Negative Total
  • Payment Date Is Closed Date
  • Keep Payment Popup Open After Close
  • Preloaded Tenders
  • Deposit Percentage and Deposit Amount – press plus (+) while in a payment entry to automatically take payment for the deposit amount and not the full transaction. If both deposits are filled out, it will take the greater deposit amount