
Checkout and Pay

Topics: Fast checkout, scan items, search items, item shortcuts, pay by cash, pay by credit card, pay by Food Stamps, pay by gift card, pay by check, pay on account, customer account, customer discount, tax-exempt

Related Articles: All articles in Checkout

Add an Item

Topics: Item, lookup code, item name, description, serialized, item type, measured item, voucher, kit, group, matrix, noninventory, random weighted, item notes, item display message, tag along item, author, style number, custom field,

Related Articles: Items, Create a Matrix / Pivot Table

Bulk Edit Items

Topics: Bulk edit items, update item details, edit grid layout

Related Articles: Bulk Edit Items, Items

Purchase Orders

Topics: Purchase order, payment terms, FOB, delivery, ship to, purchase order pickup, select multiple items, purchase order discount, purchase order charge, print purchase order, email purchase order, purchase order labels, order status

Related Articles: Purchase Order, Add a Supplier, Add an Item to the System, Create a Matrix / Pivot Table, Grid Setup, Order Status, Receive a Purchase Order, Bulk Purchase Order, Customer Order, Special Order, Damaged Items, Supplier Payout


Topics: Reports, transaction explorer, transaction reports, sales, payouts, item sales summary, drawer totals, credit card payments, checks, on account, report dates, customer reports, customer account balance tracking, customer item purchase history, customer payment list, customer transaction list, customer transaction list with aging, customer transaction payment links, customer transaction refund links, supplier reports, supplier account activity, supplier inventory value list, supplier items list, supplier items sales total, supplier payout list, supplier payment list, supplier PO list, supplier total sales and profit, supplier under stock level items

Related Articles: Reports, Transaction Explorer, Customer Page, Supplier Page, Register Pay In/Pay Out, Damaged Items, Special Order, POS Transactions

Quick Create Items

Topics: Add items, quick create item, lookup code, item name, item description, item cost, item markup, item price, item supplier, item category, create multiple items, add multiple items

Related Articles: Items, Create a Matrix / Pivot Table, Add a Supplier, Item Pricing, Item Inventory, Create a Price Rule, Reports, Bulk Edit Items

Advanced Item Details

Topics: Item details, alias, case, picture, photo, attachment, document, category, item supplier, primary supplier, minimum order, price, pricing, cost, markup, MSRP, price rounding, tax, price A and B, lock price, price rule, inventory, report

Related Articles:  Items, Create a Matrix / Pivot Table, Add a Supplier, Item Pricing, Item Inventory, Create a Price Rule, Reports

Matrix / Pivot Table

Topics: Matrix, pivot table, color, size, length, neck, fabric, material, care, package, cover, flavor, language, pattern, style, paper, attributes, group attributes, bulk edit items, base item, inventory, price

Related Articles: Items, Create a Matrix / Pivot Table, Create Attributes, Create an Attribute Set, Customer Order, Purchase Order, Bulk Edit Items

Customer Orders

Topics: Customer order, payment terms, FOB, delivery, ship to, customer pickup, select multiple items, order discount, additional charges, order service, print order, invoice, quote, packing slip, order status

Related Articles: Customer Order, Add a Customer, Add an Item to the System, Create a Matrix / Pivot Table, Grid Setup, Order Status, Special Order, Damaged Items, Checkout and Pay

Gift Cards

Topics: Gift card item, gift card checkout, fill a gift card, add money to a gift card, gift card payment, scan gift card, voucher

Related Articles: Gift Card, Checkout and Pay, General Item Details